Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Cactuses or cacti?

All these have now been planted, it looks very good! and the aloe vera is blooming, go have a look (we'll post pictures soon)

Irrigation system

Gardeners in action

Andreanne posing in front of the kale.

Unfortunately some of the flowers passed away - they don't really like being upside down - but Maryam is still doing well!

Photo of John to come soon!!

Gardeners and the Beanstalks

Make sure you regularly check out on the peas - they grow fast and produce a lot! Soon, you will be able to climb up the stalk to the clouds...

Spring memories

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Raised beds

These are the winter crops that we harvested over the last few weeks.


Garden Party

Nakul's wonderful stirfry to satisfy hunger.


Tom and Tim helping out.

Past Garden Party

Here are some pictures from the past garden parties. The Helen Keller Memorial East Lawn at its inception. (Helen Keller was a socialist- hence the naming of the East Lawn).

SoHo rebeautification project

Here is a picture of the work Andreanne did on the side of SoHo.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Final Garden Party

Come join the gardeners (Maryam, Andreanne, and John) for the final garden party of the semeter.

Saturday, April 28th, from 10-2pm.

Everyone who helps gets HI (House Improvement hours, everyone needs to do 4/semester)

-plant summer veggies
-plant new decorative plants where dead grass is
-construct new raised bed for more veggies

Hope to see you there